
With the advent of Internet technology and the widespread proliferation of computers in schools, EduBlogs have taken a more prominent role to enhance classroom teaching. The benefit and effectiveness of learning through EduBlogs will, very much, be dependent on the completeness, accurcacy, and user-friendliness of the EduBlog.

EduBlog 101 (this instruction) or "The A-B-Cs Of Creating An Effective EduBlog For Secondary School Curriculum" is a step-by-step guide to help you learn and develop structured and user-friendly EduBlogs to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning.


You will be able to create well-structured and user-friendly EduBlog using Blogger.Com software to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

How To Use This Guide?

1. Read the Preinstructional Reading in Chapter 1 to be familiarized with the terminologies used in this guide.

2. Read Chapter 2 to learn how to select materials and multimedia tools for your EduBlog.

3. Read Chapter 3 to learn how to design, develop and post your EduBlog using Blogger.Com software. Follow the step-by-step guide and start creating your first EduBlog!

4. Attempt the Quick Quizzes in each chapter and do a self-evaluation by comparing your answers with the Answer Key at the end of each chapter.

5. Attempt the Assessment in Chapter 4 and do a final self-evaluation by comparing your answers with the Answer Key at the end of each chapter. You are now ready to apply your EduBlog for your lesson!

Navigation Tool

It is recommended that you follow the sequence of lessons under the Content section on the right side of this page as you learn to create your own EduBlog. You can do this by clicking on the individual lessons in sequential order. Alternatively, you can choose to skip any lesson if you are already conversant with the topic.

At any time, you can click individual chapters under the Overview section on the top right-hand side of this page or the Label section at the bottom of each lesson to view the entire chapter in one page. Click "See All Posts" at the top of each chapter view to return to the Users' Guide.



This is a preinstructional reading that provides an overview to Internet, blogging, EduBlog and their functions. It is recommended that users to read this chapter first to get acquainted with some terminologies and their definitions that will be used throughout this instruction.


Learner will know the functions of the Internet and be able to define Blog and EduBlog.


There are 4 main parts to this chapter:

1.1 What is Internet?
1.2 What is Blogging?
1.3 What is EduBlog?
1.4 Answer Key

: 1 --- 1.1 --- 1.2 --- 1.3 --- 1.4

1.1 What is Internet?

Everyone uses the Internet today! We use the Internet for many reasons such as ...

  • Emailing (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail)
  • Conferencing (e.g. Skype, MSN)
  • Browsing
  • Online Shopping
  • Online Banking
  • Posting Blogs
But what is the Internet?

Simply put, the Internet is a worldwide network of computers that allows the "sharing" or "networking" of information at remote sites from other academic institutions, research institutes, private companies, government agencies, and individuals via an agreed set of communication protocol called TCP/IP (or Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question. (See 1.4 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#1. List two functions of the Internet.



Progress: 1 --- 1.1 --- 1.2 --- 1.3 --- 1.4

1.2 What is Blogging?

A blog (a portmanteau of web log) is a website where author puts what he/she wants in a chronological sequence for sharing on the Internet. Different people create blogs to journalize their interest in different areas, such as sports, diary, cars, parenting, etc.

Blogging is the process of creating website entries in chronological order.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question. (See 1.4 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#2. Define Blogging.

Progress: 1 --- 1.1 --- 1.2 --- 1.3 --- 1.4

1.3 What is EduBlog?

EduBlogs are essentially blogs that are used for educational purposes. These are usually self-paced and self-guided instruction created by instructors to replace or enhance face-to-face learning via the Internet. Learners can access these EduBlogs to learn the content of the instruction, view multimedia presentation that supports the lesson, take online quizzes, etc.

The functions of an EduBlog includes:

1. Provide online reading for students to read and respond to
2. Gather and organize Internet resources for a specific course, providing links to appropriate sites and annotating the links to highlight their relevance
3. Post instructions for assignment such as prompts for writing
4. Showcase students’ work such as art, poetry, and creative stories
5. Post photos and comments on class activities
6. Communicate with parentsLink your class with another class somewhere else in the world

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question. (See 1.4 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#3. EduBlog is ____________________________.

Progress: 1 --- 1.1 --- 1.2 --- 1.3 --- 1.4

1.4 Answer Key

Answer Key to Quick Quizzes in Chapter 1:

#1. Any two of the following: Emailing, Conferencing, Browsing, Online Shopping, Online Banking, or Posting Blogs.

#2. Blogging is the process of creating website entries in chronological order.

#3. EduBlog is essentially a blog used for educational purposes.

Did you answer the Quick Quizzes correctly? If the answer is yes, good, you are ready to move on to Chapter 2 - Selecting Instructional Materials by selecting the lesson in the Content section on the right side of this page. If not, do spend some time revising the lesson.

Progress: 1 --- 1.1 --- 1.2 --- 1.3 --- 1.4



Before the creation of the EduBlog, it is important to identify and select the materials that you want to present on the EduBlog from the existing lesson materials. At this stage, you can also select any multimedia presentation, if available, related to the topic that you want to present on the EduBlog to enhance the instruction and the learner's learning effectiveness.


You will select suitable materials and multimedia presentation for the EduBlog.


There are 3 main parts of this chapter:

2.1 Selecting Lesson
2.2 Selecting Multimedia Tools
2.3 Answer Key

Progress: 2 --- 2.1 --- 2.2 --- 2.3

2.1 Selecting Lesson


Given existing lesson plan, you will be able to categorize and select materials to be uploaded onto the EduBlog.


1. You will browse through the existing lesson plan.

2. You will pick out descriptive information to be uploaded onto the EduBlog. E.g. the description of the metamorphosis of caterpillar, how chicks are hatched from eggs, how to solve algebra.

3. You will not include sports-related topics or topics that require physical movement. E.g. the batting of a baseball.

4. You will summarize the material to be uploaded such that they can be fitted within one page.

5. If possible, key words shall be highlighted.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following questions. (See 2.3 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#1. Is 'Types of Bugs' suitable and appropriate for upload onto the EduBlog?

#2 Is 'Climbing Trees' suitable and appropriate for upload onto the EduBlog?

Progress: 2 --- 2.1 --- 2.2 --- 2.3

2.2 Selecting Multimedia Tools


You will be selecting suitable multimedia files supportable by Blogger.Com to support your lesson plan to be uploaded onto the EduBlog.


1. You will browse through the existing teaching tools to search for available multimedia files that are related to the topic of your lesson.

2. Multimedia presentation uses animation and audio effects to enhance teaching and learning. Therefore, the multimedia presentation you select must be able to present what you intend to teach on the EduBlog and be able to meet your lesson objectives.

3. The multimedia file must be in the following formats that are supported by Blogger.Com:

Video File Format
A. AVI file

B. MPEG file
C. WMV file
D. QT file
E. REAL file

Picture File Format

F. GIF file
G. JPG file
H. BMP file

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following questions. (See 2.3 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#3. Are 'JPG', 'MPG' and 'WMV' file formats supported by Blogger.Com?

#4. Which of the following is NOT a function of multimedia tools?
A. Use animation to explain concepts.
B. Use audio effects to enhance teaching and learning.
C. Provide smell and taste to enhance teaching and learning.

Progress: 2 --- 2.1 --- 2.2 --- 2.3

2.3 Answer Key

Answer Key to Quick Quizzes in Chapter 2:

#1: Yes, it is descriptive information.

#2: No, it requires physical movement that cannot be simulated by the online system.

#3: Yes.

#4: C.

Did you answer the Quick Quizzes correctly? If the answer is yes, good, you are ready to move on to Chapter 3 - Creating EduBlog by selecting the lesson in the Content section on the right side of this page. If not, do spend some time revising the lesson.

Progress: 2 --- 2.1 --- 2.2 --- 2.3



Once the lesson materials and multimedia presentation are selected, the next step is to create the EduBlog. This chapter provides the step-by-step guide to create a structured and user-friendly EduBlog on Blogger.Com.


Learner will create the EduBlog using the Blogger software on Blogger.Com.


There are 10 main parts of this chapter:

3.1 Logging On To Blogger.Com
3.2 Creating EduBlog Account
3.3 Naming EduBlog
3.4 Selecting Template
3.5 Designing Homepage
3.6 Entering Content
3.7 Attaching Multimedia File
3.8 Publishing EduBlog
3.9 Viewing EduBlog
3.10 Answer Key

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.1 Logging on to Blogger.Com


Using a computer with Internet access, log on to the relevant website to create your EduBlog.


1. Open Internet browser program on your computer.

2. Type in the URL address, in the Internet address bar. (Right-click on the hyperlink and select "Open in New Window" to view the website.)

3. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

4. Click "Create Your Blog Now" to proceed.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#1. Which of the following website is the correct URL address for the Blogger website? (Right-click on the hyperlinks below and select "Open in New Window" to view the websites.)


Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.2 Creating EduBlog Account


When prompted for an username and password at the registration page at the Blogger website, create an appropriate username and unique password that is at least 8 characters long for your EduBlog account.


You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

2. Type in your existing email address in the dialog box "Email Address". This email address will be used to receive notification on updates for your EduBlog subsequently.

3. Type in the email address under Step 3 again in the dialog box "Retype Email Address" to confirm your email address.

4. Create an unique password that is at least 8 characters long in the dialog box "Password". This password should be known to you only, and is recommended to be alphanumeric to reduce the risk of unauthorized access into your EduBlog subsequently.

5. Confirm that the "Password Strength" is strong. If it is not, create another unique password.

6. Create your pen name for your EduBlog in the dialog box "Display Name". This display name will be used to sign each of your postings. Hence it is recommended to create a pen name that is related to the subject matter of your EduBlog.

7. Type in the letters that you see under the section "Word Verification".

8. Check the "Acceptance of Terms" box to continue with the registration process for your EduBlog.

9. Click "Continue" to proceed.

10. An example of the end product in the registration of an EduBlog account is shown below (Click on image to expand it):

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#2. Select the acceptable pairs of usernames and passwords.

a. Madame Scarlett and a1b2c3d4

b. 12345678 and qwertyui

c. The Bulldog and efgh34

d. Doctor Biology and 1234%^&*

e. Professor James Einstein and fusion1

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.3 Naming EduBlog


When prompted to register your Blog Title and Address, create a Blog Title and Address that is related to the subject matter of your EduBlog.


1. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

2. Create a title for your EduBlog in the dialog box "Blog Title". The title should be related to the subject matter of your EduBlog.

3. Create an URL address for your EduBlog in the dialog box "Blog Address (URL)". This URL address will be used by your target audience to access your EduBlog on the Internet.

4. Confirm that the availability of the URL address by clicking "Check Availability". If it is not available, create another URL address.

5. Type in the letters that you see under the section "Word Verification".

6. Click "Continue" to proceed.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#3. Determine whether the following Blog Titles are relevant for EduBlog by stating ‘Y’ for ‘Yes’ and ‘N’ for ‘No’, and explaining why they are relevant or irrelevant.

a. Does God Exist?
b. Grade Six Science Journal
c. The Literature Blogspot
d. Counting 1 to 3
e. Dummies Guide to Maths
f. Geography Project of Class 1C
g. Business Guide To Excellence
h. Why Learn History?

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.4 Selecting Template


Given a selection of sample template in Blogger website, select a layout for your EduBlog that facilitates students’ motivation to learn.


1. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

2. Scroll up and down the webpage to view the various templates for your EduBlog.

3. Click on the template of your choice that will facilitate students’ motivation to learn. Characteristics of a good layout are as follows:

a. Well-organized and well-structured
b: Visually appealing yet not distracting
c. Readability
d. Easy to navigate

4. Click "Continue" to proceed.

5. Confirm the successful registration of your EduBlog account. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

6. Click "Start Posting" to proceed.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#4. Select the appropriate templates that will enhance your target audience's motivation to learn, and justify your choice.

a. Reason: _________________________

b. Reason: _________________________

c. Reason: _________________________

d. Reason: _________________________

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.5 Designing Homepage


Given a list of features for the EduBlog in Blogger website, prepare a homepage with relevant functions for your EduBlog.


1. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

2. Click on the "Template" tab to design your homepage. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

3. Click "Add a Page Element" at a window of your choice to select homepage features for that window. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

4. Scroll up and down the "Choose a New Page Element" window to view the various features for the homepage of your EduBlog.

5. Click on the homepage feature of your choice that is essential for your EduBlog.

6. Click "Add to Blog" to proceed.

7. Repeat Step 4 through Step 6 to add more homepage features for your EduBlog.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#5. Select the essential features of a homepage.

a. Brief Description of EduBlog
b. Purpose of EduBlog
c. Scope
d. Hyperlinks
e. Discussion Board / Forum
f. Archives
g. Address Book
h. Personal Information

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.6 Entering Content


Given selected instructional materials to be uploaded into the EduBlog, compose a new posting into the EduBlog in the correct sequence.


1. At the homepage of your EduBlog, click “New Post” tab on the top right corner, as seen in the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

2. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

3. Type in the title of the new posting in the dialog box "Title" for the content to be uploaded.

4. Copy and paste the paragraph from an existing document into the main window of the new posting.

5. Click "Preview" to check through the formatting of the content to be uploaded.

6. Click "Hide Preview" to return to main window.

7. If formatting of the content is incorrect, adjust the formatting of the content to be uploaded. Repeat Step 5 and 6 to confirm the adjusted formatting.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#6. Rearrange the following steps of composing a new posting into an EduBlog in the correct sequence.

a. Click “New Post” tab on the top right corner of EduBlog.
b. Type in the title of the new posting for the content to be uploaded.
c. Copy and paste the existing document into the main window of the new posting.
d. Click "Hide Preview" to return to main window.
e. If formatting of the content is incorrect, adjust the formatting of the content to be uploaded. Repeat Step 5 and 6 to confirm the adjusted formatting.
f. Click "Preview" to check through the formatting of the content to be uploaded

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.7 Attaching Multimedia File


Given selected multimedia materials to be uploaded into the EduBlog, attach the multimedia files into a new posting of your EduBlog in the correct sequence.


1. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

2. Click "Add Image" or "Add Video" icon at the toolbar of the main posting window to attach an image file or a video file respectively. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

3. Click "Browse" to select the required multimedia file to be uploaded to the EduBlog.

4. Click "Upload Image" or "Upload Video" to upload the multimedia file into the EduBlog.

5. Click "Preview" to check through the alignment of the multimedia file to be uploaded.

6. Click "Hide Preview" to return to main window.

7. If alignment of the multimedia is incorrect, adjust the alignment. Repeat Step 5 and 6 to confirm the adjustment.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#7. Rearrange the following steps of composing a new posting into an EduBlog in the correct sequence.

a. Click "Hide Preview" to return to main window.
b. Click "Upload Image" or "Upload Video" to upload the multimedia file into the EduBlog.
c. If alignment of the multimedia is incorrect, adjust the alignment. Repeat Step 5 and 6 to confirm the adjustment.
d. Click "Add Image" or "Add Video" icon at the toolbar of the main posting window to attach an image file or a video file respectively..
e. Click “Browse” in the pop-up window and search for the multimedia file in the hard disk.
f. Preview the mutlimedia file to be uploaded.

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.8 Publishing EduBlog


Upon the completion of entering the instructional materials to be uploaded, upload the new posting.


1. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

2. Click “Publish” button using the mouse.

3. Confirm that the new posting is successfully uploaded. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#8. List the correct sequence of uploading a new posting into the EduBlog.

a. Step 1: _____________________________
b. Step 2: _____________________________

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.9 Viewing Posting


At the notification page of the new posting, present the successfully uploaded new posting.


1. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

2. Click “View Blog” button using the mouse to see the finished product of the newly uploaded posting.

3. Confirm that the content of the new posting is congruent to the existing instructional materials.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#9. List the correct sequence of viewing a successfully uploaded posting in the EduBlog.

a. Step 1: _____________________________
b. Step 2: _____________________________

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10

3.10 Answer Key

Answer Key to Quick Quizzes in Chapter 3:

#1: c

#2: a & e

a. Appropriate username for Literature teacher; unique alphanumeric password.
b. Irrelevant username; purely alphabetical password unacceptable.
c. Irrelevant username; acceptable password.
d. Appropriate username for Science teacher; Special characters unacceptable for password.
e. Appropriate username for Science teacher; unique alphanumeric password.

#3: Relevant: b, c, f & h.

a. Title should not be subjected to controversy.
b. Subject matter and audience of EduBlog are clear and concise.
c. Subject matter of EduBlog is clear and concise.
d. Title indicates a blog that is more suitable for elementary school students.
e. Title may demoralize the students of their learning ability.
f. Subject matter and audience of EduBlog are clear and concise.
g. Subject matter is beyond the performance context of secondary school students.
h. Subject matter of EduBlog is clear and concise. At the same time, it provides curiosity in terms of perceptual arousal to students.

#4: Appropriate: b & c

a. Not highly readable.
b. Highly readable, but may be too plain.
c. Visually appealing yet not distracting.
d. Bright colors may be too distracting.

#5: a, b, c, d, e & f are essential; g & h are useful and good to have.

#6: a, b, c, f, d, e

#7: d, e, b, f, a, c

#8: Sequence:

a. Click “Publish” button using the mouse.
b. Confirm that the new posting is successfully uploaded.

#9: Sequence:

a. Click “View Blog” button to see the finished product of the newly uploaded posting.
b. Confirm that the content of the new posting is congruent to the existing instructional materials.

Did you answer the Quick Quizzes correctly? If the answer is yes, good, you are ready to move on to Chapter 4 - Assessment by selecting the lesson in the Content section on the right side of this page. If not, do spend some time revising the lesson.

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10



This chapter provides a list of questions (with suggested answers) for your self-assessment.


Learner will conduct self-assessment to evaluate his/her learning outcome.


There are 2 main parts to this chapter:

4.1 Assessment Questions
4.2 Answer Key

Progress: 4 --- 4.1 --- 4.2

4.1 Assessment Questions

Part I - Knowledge Quest
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following questions. (See 4.2 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#1. Match the description of the EduBlogs (A to G) to the functions of the EduBlog (1 to 7):

A. Description of the process of photosynthesis
B. A page showing photos of class’s field trip to Georgia Aquarium
C. Comments telling parents about a new Reading Program in school
D. A collection of student’s science projects, painting, essays, etc.
E. Teacher’s explanation and instruction for the next geography project.
F. Links to “Ancient Egypt”, “Cradle of Civilization”, “River Nile”, etc.
G. URL links to Nanyang Primary School, GUG Learning Center.

1. Provide online reading for students to read and respond to
2. Gather and organize Internet resources for a specific course, providing links to appropriate sites and annotating the links to highlight their relevance
3. Post instructions for assignment such as prompts for writing
4. Showcase students’ work such as art, poetry, and creative stories
5. Post photos and comments on class activities
6. Communicate with parents
7. Link your class with another class somewhere else in the world

#2. Define Blogging.

#3. What is an EduBlog?

#4. List 5 EduBlog functions.
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
d. __________________________
e. __________________________

#5. Classify the following Multimedia tools into 'Video' or 'Picture'.
Multimedia Tools:
A. AVI file
B. MPEG file
C. JPG file
D. WMV file
E. BMP file
F. GIF file
G. QT file
H. REAL file

#6. Circle the functions of Multimedia tools:
A. Using animation to explain concepts
B. Using audio effects to enhance teaching and learning
C. Provides smell to enhance teaching and learning
D. All of the above

#7. Which is the correct URL for the Blogger website? (Right-click on hyperlinks and select "Open in New Window" to view the websites.)

#8. Which are the following features are essentials of a homepage?
A. Brief Description of EduBlog
B. Purpose of EduBlog
C. Scope
D. Hyperlinks
E. Discussion Board / Forum
F. Archives
G. Personal Messaging Services
H. Address Book
I. Personal Information
J. Announcement Board

#9. Is "Grade 6 Science Journal" a relevant topic for EduBlog?

#10. Circle 'YES' if the tool is supported by Blogger Software, and 'NO' if it is not supportable.

YES/NO - Multimedia Tools
YES/NO - AVI file
YES/NO - TIF file
YES/NO - MPEG file
YES/NO - JPG file
YES/NO - PDF file
YES/NO - BMP file
YES/NO - GIF file
YES/NO - PSD file
YES/NO - PNG file
YES/NO - QT file
YES/NO - REAL file

Part II - Application Quest
Instruction: Open a new window on your Internet program and answer the following question. (See 4.2 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#11. Using the Internet, create and upload your own EduBlog using the Blogger program so that it is suitable for an instructional lesson of your choice. The EduBlog should incorporate picture and video files in your choice of formats.

Progress: 4 --- 4.1 --- 4.2

4.2 Answer Key

Answer Key to Assessment Questions in Chapter 4:

#1: A-1, B-5, C-6, D-4, E3, F-2, G-7.

#2: Blogging is the process of creating website entries in chronological order.

#3: EduBlog is a blog used for educational purposes.

#4: The 5 EduBlog functions are:
a. Provide online reading for students to read and respond to
b. Gather and organize Internet resources for a specific course, providing links to appropriate sites and annotating the links to highlight their relevance
c. Post instructions for assignment such as prompts for writing
d. Showcase students’ work such as art, poetry, and creative stories
e. Post photos and comments on class activities

#5: Video = A, B, D, G, H; Picture = C, E, F.

#6: A and B only.

#7: C.

#8: A to F are Essentials.

#9: Yes, it is relevant because Subject Matter Expert and audience are clear and concise.

#10: Yes - AVI, JPG, MPG, WMA/WMV, BMP, PNG, QT, Real; No - PSD, PNG, TIF.

#11: Your EduBlog should incorporate the following points in the checklist below:

a. Ability to select appropriate instructional materials to be used in the EduBlog

b. Ability to select compatible multimedia files to be used in the EduBlog

c. Ability to log on to the Blogger website by typing (Right-click on the hyperlink and select "Open in New Window" to view website.)

d. Ability to create an EduBlog account in the Blogger website

e. Ability to select an appropriate name for your EduBlog

f. Ability to select an appropriate template for your EduBlog

g. Ability to design the homepage for your EduBlog

h. Ability to enter your chosen instructional materials into the EduBlog

i. Ability to insert your chosen multimedia content into the EduBlog

j. Ability to upload your EduBlog into the Internet

k. Ability to review the uploaded EduBlog

Did you answer the Assessment questions correctly? If the answer is yes, good, you are ready to create and apply your EduBlog to your lessons. If not, do spend some time revising the lesson.

Progress: 4 --- 4.1 --- 4.2