3.1 Logging on to Blogger.Com


Using a computer with Internet access, log on to the relevant website to create your EduBlog.


1. Open Internet browser program on your computer.

2. Type in the URL address, http://www.blogger.com/ in the Internet address bar. (Right-click on the hyperlink and select "Open in New Window" to view the website.)

3. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):

4. Click "Create Your Blog Now" to proceed.

Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)

#1. Which of the following website is the correct URL address for the Blogger website? (Right-click on the hyperlinks below and select "Open in New Window" to view the websites.)

a. www.yahoo.com
b. www.google.com
c. www.blogger.com
d. www.fsu.edu

Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10