3.10 Answer Key

Answer Key to Quick Quizzes in Chapter 3:

#1: c

#2: a & e

a. Appropriate username for Literature teacher; unique alphanumeric password.
b. Irrelevant username; purely alphabetical password unacceptable.
c. Irrelevant username; acceptable password.
d. Appropriate username for Science teacher; Special characters unacceptable for password.
e. Appropriate username for Science teacher; unique alphanumeric password.

#3: Relevant: b, c, f & h.

a. Title should not be subjected to controversy.
b. Subject matter and audience of EduBlog are clear and concise.
c. Subject matter of EduBlog is clear and concise.
d. Title indicates a blog that is more suitable for elementary school students.
e. Title may demoralize the students of their learning ability.
f. Subject matter and audience of EduBlog are clear and concise.
g. Subject matter is beyond the performance context of secondary school students.
h. Subject matter of EduBlog is clear and concise. At the same time, it provides curiosity in terms of perceptual arousal to students.

#4: Appropriate: b & c

a. Not highly readable.
b. Highly readable, but may be too plain.
c. Visually appealing yet not distracting.
d. Bright colors may be too distracting.

#5: a, b, c, d, e & f are essential; g & h are useful and good to have.

#6: a, b, c, f, d, e

#7: d, e, b, f, a, c

#8: Sequence:

a. Click “Publish” button using the mouse.
b. Confirm that the new posting is successfully uploaded.

#9: Sequence:

a. Click “View Blog” button to see the finished product of the newly uploaded posting.
b. Confirm that the content of the new posting is congruent to the existing instructional materials.

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