Given a selection of sample template in Blogger website, select a layout for your EduBlog that facilitates students’ motivation to learn.
1. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):
2. Scroll up and down the webpage to view the various templates for your EduBlog.
3. Click on the template of your choice that will facilitate students’ motivation to learn. Characteristics of a good layout are as follows:
a. Well-organized and well-structured
b: Visually appealing yet not distracting
c. Readability
d. Easy to navigate
4. Click "Continue" to proceed.
5. Confirm the successful registration of your EduBlog account. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):
6. Click "Start Posting" to proceed.
Quick QuizInstruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)
#4. Select the appropriate templates that will enhance your target audience's motivation to learn, and justify your choice.
a. Reason: _________________________
b. Reason: _________________________
c. Reason: _________________________
d. Reason: _________________________
Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10