When prompted to register your Blog Title and Address, create a Blog Title and Address that is related to the subject matter of your EduBlog.
1. You should see the following window in your Internet browser (Click on image to expand it):
2. Create a title for your EduBlog in the dialog box "Blog Title". The title should be related to the subject matter of your EduBlog.
3. Create an URL address for your EduBlog in the dialog box "Blog Address (URL)". This URL address will be used by your target audience to access your EduBlog on the Internet.
4. Confirm that the availability of the URL address by clicking "Check Availability". If it is not available, create another URL address.
5. Type in the letters that you see under the section "Word Verification".
6. Click "Continue" to proceed.
Quick Quiz
Instruction: On a piece of paper, write down the appropriate answers for the following question.(See 3.10 Answer Key for correct answer / explanation)
#3. Determine whether the following Blog Titles are relevant for EduBlog by stating ‘Y’ for ‘Yes’ and ‘N’ for ‘No’, and explaining why they are relevant or irrelevant.
a. Does God Exist?
b. Grade Six Science Journal
c. The Literature Blogspot
d. Counting 1 to 3
e. Dummies Guide to Maths
f. Geography Project of Class 1C
g. Business Guide To Excellence
h. Why Learn History?
Progress: 3 --- 3.1 --- 3.2 --- 3.3 --- 3.4 --- 3.5 --- 3.6 --- 3.7 --- 3.8 --- 3.9 --- 3.10